Archiving Policy

Digital Preservation refers to a set of processes and activities designed to ensure that information available in digital formats can be accessed and distributed in the long term, ensuring perpetual availability. The preservation policy includes the following measures:

Website Archiving
All electronic content (such as websites, manuscripts, etc.) is stored in multiple locations. The content on the primary server is online and accessible to readers. A backup copy of the content is stored on other servers. If the primary server fails, the backup resources can be activated, ensuring the website remains available within 24 hours.

The full text of all articles is deposited in global preservation networks such as CLOCKSS, LOCKSS, and the PKP Preservation Network (PN) to guarantee long-term digital preservation.

Author Self-Archiving Policy
Authors are encouraged to post their articles on personal and institutional websites after publication. When doing so, they must include full bibliographic details and provide a link to the original publication.